HS2 (High Speed 2) Engineers Workshop
What an exciting day it has been for 60 of our Year 7 students! On the 24th January, they took part in a STEM workshop provided by the companies HS2 and Learn by Design, through EDT (The Education Development Trust).
The workshop has been designed to inspire future engineers to become EPIC - Extraordinary People Initiating Change - and showcases the creative, technology-driven solutions used in rail and infrastructure industries.
The students completed a variety of activities: from self-examination and reflection on their skill and attributes and understanding how these could be used as Essential Skills to building tunnel structures, byway of designing a railway station of the future. The students applied their understanding of STEM career roles and developed their teamwork, creativity and communication skills. Team building and listenin skills were also emphasised.
The students really had a good time especially in building the tunnels and finding out if their constructions were resistant enough to carry the weight of a train without collapsing.
Through this activity, the students applied their Essential Skills to solve a real-world design.
The event was a success and hopefully will help our young students to decide on the next steps to a STEM career.